Tuesday, July 17, 2007


The rain will not stop....where is it all coming from????

This heatwave of a summer is turning into a nightmare. It is now the middle of July and we can not hang washing out to dry...what's going on there then..lol

Enough of my moaning..3 more days of school left before they break up for the 6 weeks holiday. My daughter (Lauren) will be going off to college to do Btec National Diploma in Peformance Dance and also an 'A' Level in Performance Studies.

My middle child (Lee) will be changing High School in September as the one he is at now will be closing at the end of August 2008 (we fought hard, but, unfortunately, no-one listened). He is going to a High School that I didn't want him to attend in the first place, but it is now the nearest when his school closes - typical....

My youngest (Robson) will be going into Year 4 and loves his new teacher better than the one he has now...so hopefully all will go well in September. New challenges for all - a new routine to get into..can't wait...

Lauren is trying to find a part-time job at the moment. She wants anytime until Septembe, then week-end work when she is at college. She is fed up of not having any money - join the club I say....lol...

1 comment:

Roz said...

Don't you just love school holidays?!