Thursday, July 5, 2007


Well - where do I start - at the beginning I suppose...

I already have a 360 page but a friend of mine (Roz), has moved her stuff here. I thought I would give it a go and see how I get on. Hopefully I won't ramble too much or is that the point????

Last Thursday was my daughter's Prom and even though I say so myself, she looked beautiful, like a movie star. She then turned 16 on Friday (29th) and had a party on Saturday with about 30 of her friends. I am just recovering from it all, but financially it will take a little

I've added pics below if you care to take a look.

I'll be back later if I can. Take care.

The Mad Brummie


Paula's ponderings said...

Stunning photos Lisa. I like this blog stuff but I never have anything interesting to say!!

Roz said...

Hellooooooo Lisa! LOL! Make sure you get some widgets down the side!!
If they go on the main blog bit and you don't want it there, go to edit that post, cut the html and then paste it on one of those side panels. Then delete the blog entry.
Shall I shut up??? lol yeah!

Winnie said...

Hi Lisa.
Stunning photos of your daughter,

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